March 21, 2009
Jonathan Rudd was elected as one of the 2009 Bagley College of Engineering Student Hall of Fame Inductees. Jonathan Rudd is a senior mechanical engineering major from Batesville, MS. Jonathan has participated as a volunteer in the BEST robotics competition on campus for three years and served as the parliamentarian of the Black Student Alliance in his sophomore year. Jonathan also served as the team leader in the MSU Motorsports Formula SAE team that participated in the Collegiate Design competition at Virginia International Raceway in 2008. The team earned 5th place in engineering design and 14th overall out of the 50 teams at the competition. Jonathan led the team in all aspects of the competition from raising funds to designing the car. He also participated in the MSU Research Experience for Undergraduates program in the summer of 2008 conducting research to verify the computational simulations of two- and three-phase composites.