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Phone: 662.325.2364 (M.E.), 662.325.8610 (CAVS)
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I am a MSU alum and Starkville native. I have over 15 years of experience teaching in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MSU. After working over 8 years in industry, where I was responsible for the mechanical equipment design on several multi-million-dollar projects for Dow plant facilities worldwide, I decided to return to MSU to pursue graduate degrees in mechanical engineering. Although I enjoyed my work in industry, I was motivated by a desire to educate future mechanical engineers and to give back to my community by inspiring students to pursue careers in engineering.
My research interests are focused multiscale computational modeling of process-structure-property relationships of materials. Specific research areas include molecular dynamics, constitutive modeling, finite element analysis, plasticity, damage, and failure analysis.
For all publications, download my curriculum vitae
Journal Articles