Brauer, S.A., Whittington, W.R., Johnson, K.L., Li, B., Rhee, H., Crane, C.K., Allison, P.G., and Horstemeyer, M.F., “Strain Rate and Stress State Dependence of Gray Cast Iron,” Journal of Eng. Mat. and Tech., Vol. 139, Issue 2, 2017.
McClelland, Z., Li, B., Horstemeyer, S.J., Brauer, S., Wang, P.T., and Horstemeyer, M.F., “Geometrically Necessary Twins in Sheet Bending of a Magnesium Alloy,” Mat. Science and Eng. A, Vol. 654, pp. 298-305, 2015.
Li, B., Ma, Q., McClelland, Z., Horstemeyer, S.J., Whittington, W.R., Brauer, S., and P.G. Allison, “Twin-Like Domains and Fracture in Deformed Magnesium,”, Met Trans A, Vol., 69, Issue 6, pp. 493-496, 2013.
Conference Papers
Brauer, S.A., Aslam, I., Bowman, A., Huddleston, B., Hughes, J., Johnson, D., Lawrimore, W.B., and Peterson, L.A., Ed. Horstemeyer, M.F., “Multiscale Modeling of Pure Nickel,” TMS 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2017), Ypsilanti, Michigan, May, 2017