Master’s Program

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) degree program at MSU provides students with an opportunity to strengthen their technical backgrounds for pursuing successful professional careers in engineering research, development and management. Major areas of study include fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, energy systems, thermal sciences, materials and manufacturing, mechanical design, and system dynamics.

The program of study for the MSME degree includes advanced courses in mechanical engineering as well as graduate electives that may be taken outside ME. The MSME degree is a 31-credit hour program that offers both thesis (i.e., research-based) and non-thesis (i.e., course-based) options. The MSME online degree program offers students the opportunity to take master's classes online, on a full- or part-time basis, and earn the same degrees as on-campus students.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Thesis Option

Students in the thesis program, in collaboration with a major professor and/or thesis director and committee, choose a research area when enrolled. This research area is supported by coursework and research hours. This work culminates into a final thesis document and oral defense.

Program of Study

  • 1 hour of ME Graduate Seminar (ME 8011)
  • 12 hours of 8xxx level coursework*
  • 12 hours of additional graduate coursework
  • 6 hours minimum of Graduate Research (ME 9000) under major professor or thesis director

*6 hours of "Directed Individual Study" can be used to count towards the 12 hours of 8xxx credits)

Candidates for the Master of Science (thesis) degree in Mechanical Engineering must successfully complete an independent research project and present the results of the research in a defensible thesis document upon completion of all course requirements.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering- Non-thesis (Option)

The MSME non-thesis degree option is a 31 credit, courses-only master’s degree, that allows students to select a diverse course plan under the guidance of a major professor. The degree requires a final oral presentation that puts the mechanical engineering knowledge into practice and is evaluated by the student’s committee.

Program of Study

  • 1 hour of ME Graduate Seminar (ME 8011)
  • 12 hours of 8xxx level coursework
  • 18 hours of additional graduate coursework

*6 hours of "Directed Individual Study" can be used to count towards the 12 hours of 8xxx credits)

Candidates for the Master of Science (non-thesis) degree in Mechanical Engineering must pass an oral comprehensive examination.


Dr. Tonya W. Stone
Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Carpenter Room 204

Mrs. Delia Nuckolls
Graduate Program Academic Records Assistant
Carpenter Room
212 662.325.4133