July 28, 2017
Dr. Heejin Cho, a mechanical engineering assistant professor, has been appointed Associate Director of Graduate Research in the Institute for Clean Energy Technology (ICET) at Mississippi State University. Dr. Cho will be responsible for directing graduate and undergraduate students to conduct research in the area of nuclear air ventilation and filtration at ICET. Students under his supervision at ICET go through rigorous training to acquire knowledge and skills in the nuclear ventilation domain, including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment (AG-1), development of test stands for various nuclear grade HEPA filters under ASME Nuclear Quality Assurance-1 (NQA-1) requirements, and aerosol measurement theory and technology.
Dr. Cho joined the mechanical engineering department in January 2013 after about 4 years as a Research Engineer in the Energy and Environment Directorate at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.