NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 41

Mago earns ME Outstanding Faculty Award

Dr. Pedro Mago, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was selected as the recipient of the 2009 Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award.  This award is given for outstanding service in teaching, research, and outreach to the Department of Mechanical Engineering during 2008-2009. Dr. Mago joined the faculty in August 2003 bringing considerable research expertise in the…

June 21, 2009

Student selected as NASA’s first Student Ambassadors

Ratessiea Lett, a ME graduate student,was chosen to be one of NASA’s first Student Ambassadors after being nominated by the Mississippi Space Grant Consortium. She was considered for this opportunity as she has completed four internships at NASA Stennis Space Center. The Student Ambassadors Virtual Community is designed to foster greater interaction and mentorship among…

June 21, 2009

Student elected as 2009 BCoE Hall of Fame Inductee

Jonathan Rudd was elected as one of the 2009 Bagley College of Engineering Student Hall of Fame Inductees. Jonathan Rudd is a senior mechanical engineering major from Batesville, MS. Jonathan has participated as a volunteer in the BEST robotics competition on campus for three years and served as the parliamentarian of the Black Student Alliance…

March 21, 2009

Hodge Wins the Tony Tilmans Service Award for ASEE SE

Congratulations go to Dr. Keith Hodge, a mechanical engineering TVA Professor and William L. Giles Distinguished Professor for winning the Tony Tilmans Service Award for ASEE SE.The Tony Tilmans Service Award is given to the member of the Southeastern Section of ASEE who has rendered outstanding service to the Section. Hodge joined ASEE shortly after…

March 21, 2009

Professor recognized by alma mater

Dr. Mark F. Horstemeyer, leader of CAVS’ computational manufacturing and design group and a mechanical engineering professor was selected as the recipient of the 2009 Thomas French Achievement Award of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University. The Thomas French Achievement Award is presented to alumni who have distinguished themselves as educators….

March 21, 2009

Chamra to lead the ME Department

Dr. Louay M. Chamra, ME Professor and Interim head, has been appointed as the new Department Head for the Department of Mechanical Engineering and PACCAR endowed chair for Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE), starting February 1, 2009. Chamra came to MSU in 1996 as an assistant professor. The Pennsylvania State University doctoral graduate specializes in…

February 1, 2009

Solanki wins Student Award

Kiran Solanki, a ME graduate student and research associate from CAVS (Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems), has been selected to receive the SAE Henry O. Fuchs Student Award. The purpose of this award is to promote the education of engineering students in the area of fatigue technology.

November 21, 2008

Students participate in Project COPE

In the Introduction to Mechanical Engineering course (ME1111), the students participate in an exercise that builds leadership and teamwork skills. The exercise uses the Boy’s Scouts of America developed Project COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience). The ME 1111 students “before participating in Project COPE are not really talking to each other, but after participation in…

November 21, 2008

Berry honored with Distinguished Professor Award

Dr. John Berry, E.P. Coleman Professor in Mechanical Engineering, has received the 2008 Foundry Educational Foundation and American Foundry Society (FEF/AFS) Distinguished Professor Award in appreciation for the furtherance of the goals and ideals of the Foundry Educational Foundation. Foundry Educational Foundation College-Industry Conference The College-Industry Conference of the Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF) took place…

November 21, 2008

Adebiyi honored with Diversity Award

Dr.  George Adebiyi , a professor in mechanical engineering, has received the 2008’s Champion of Diversity Award.   The Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE), Increasing Minority Access to Education (IMAGE), and the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) held a faculty appreciation banquet to celebrate the administration and faculty of the college who work to ensure…

June 21, 2008