NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 38

Walters wins BCoE Faculty Research Award

Dr. Keith Walters, associate professor in mechanical engineering, is the recipient of the 2011 Bagley College of Engineering Faculty Research Award.  Dr. Walters conducts research in computation fluid dynamics through the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems. Since coming to Mississippi State in 2003 he has authored 37-refereed technical publications and helped secure $22.3 million in…

August 31, 2011

Professors win 2010 SAGE Best Paper Award

The paper “Krishnan, S.R. and Srinivasan, K.K. Multi-zone modelling of partially premixed low-temperature combustion in pilot-ignited natural-gas engines. Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224(D12), 1597-1622. DOI 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1472” authored by Dr. Sundar R. Krishnan and Dr. Kalyan K. Srinivasan has been awarded the 2010 SAGE Best Paper Award by the Editor and Editorial…

August 15, 2011

Horstemeyer receives new award

Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, professor of Mechanical Engineering and CAVS Chair in Solid Mechanics, is the recipient of the 2011 International Journal of Plasticity Young Research Award for excellent contributions to the field of Plasticity over a period of ten years (2000-2010), especially in the area of computational multiscale material modeling.

July 31, 2011

Horstemeyer named W. L. Giles Distinguished Professor

Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, professor of Mechanical Engineering and CAVS Chair in Solid Mechanics, has been selected as a William L. Giles Distinguished Professor. This recognition is one of the highest awards the University can bestow upon a faculty member in recognition of outstanding research, teaching and service. This honorary distinction is conferred only on a…

July 7, 2011

Daniewicz selected for state safety committee

Following a Senate confirmation hearing held in Jackson on March 30, Dr. Daniewicz has been appointed by the State Senate to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Committee for a four year term effective immediately and ending June 30, 2015. As a member of the committee, Daniewicz will help establish the rules and regulations to which…

July 1, 2011

Student named MSU 2011 Outstanding Graduate Woman

Rachel Wheeler, a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering, was selected as the Mississippi State University 2011 Outstanding Graduate Woman. The Outstanding Woman Awards is an annual recognition program of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) at Mississippi State to honor women who have made significant contributions to the university, as well as…

June 30, 2011

Felicelli and Mago appointed to endowed professorships

Two Mississippi State faculty members are being named to endowed professorships in the university’s James Worth Bagley College of Engineering. Pedro Mago, an associate professor in mechanical engineering, has been awarded the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Professorship in Energy Systems and the Environment. Sergio D. Felicelli, a professor in mechanical engineering, was named to the…

June 15, 2011

ME Professor named fellow of the ASM

Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, professor in Mechanical Engineering and CAVS Chair in Solid Mechanics, has been named fellow of the American Society of Metals (ASM). He is recognized for his developments in computational multiscale material modeling spanning atomic to macro length scales and quantification of structure-property relationships for inelastic behavior and fracture.

June 1, 2011

BCoE students visit Severstal Columbus

Twenty graduate students in the Master and Ph.D. programs from MSU Bagley College of Engineering witnessed the steel manufacturing process during a visit to Severstal Columbus on Airport Road, Wednesday, September 29. The mechanical-metallurgy engineering students were given the opportunity to watch how the Electric Arc Furnace produced molten metal in a process in which…

June 1, 2011

ME Professor honored at China University

Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, professor in Mechanical Engineering and CAVS Chair in Solid Mechanics, has been awarded an Honorable Professorship at Xihua University in Chengdu, China. For additional photos, click here.

May 31, 2011