NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 37

ME faculty get votes, get dunked for fundraiser

MSU’s Mechanical Engineering Department is currently holding its Relay for Life fundraiser with “voting” buckets for several of the department’s faculty and staff. If you are interested in voting(donating) for one of the people listed below, or would like to give a general donation, the appropriately named buckets are located in the main office of…

April 11, 2012

Student named Outstanding Undergraduate Woman

Palara C. Grant has been selected as the Mississippi State University 2012 Outstanding Undergraduate Woman. She was honored at a reception on Tuesday, April 3, at the Memorial Hall’s Coskrey Auditorium. Palara C. Grant is a senior Mechanical Engineering major from Clinton, MS.  During her time at MSU, she has been active in such organizations…

April 4, 2012

Walton selected as Distinguished Member of the Year by the National Society of Black Engineers

The National Executive Board of the National Society of Black Engineers has selected Chris Walton as the recipient of the 2012 Mike Shinn Distinguished Member of the Year. Selection criteria include accomplishments as an individual, scholar, and leader within the local community and the National Society of Black Engineers. Chris will be honored during the…

March 21, 2012

Horstemeyer distinguished by West Virginia University

On February 20, 2012 Dr. Mark Horstemeyer was elected to the Academy of Distinguished Alumni of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at West Virginia University. This is the highest recognition the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department can bestow on an alumnus.

March 13, 2012

New Book by Prof. Horstemeyer

The book “Integrated Computational Materials for Metals”, by Prof. Mark Horstemeyer, has just been published by Wiley.

March 11, 2012

Stone Implements Outreach Program

In August 2011, Dr. Tonya Stone, an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, implemented The NanoClub, an outreach program at the Boys and Girls Club of Starkville funded through a National Science Foundation BRIGE grant and supported by the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems and the Mechanical Engineering Department at Mississippi State University (MSU). The NanoClub…

February 20, 2012

ME self-study selected by ABET as best practice

The 2011-12 ABET Self-Study Report prepared for the Mechanical Engineering program at MSU has been selected to be included in a display of well-prepared Self-Study Reports at the April 2012 ABET Symposium The criteria for selection were designed to identify well-written and organized Self-Studies.

February 8, 2012

Myers speaks to JROTC/STEM students

Dr. Oliver J. Myers, assistant professor in mechanical engineering, was invited to speak and inspire students participating in the JROTC/STEM Program. The program includes a summer residential camp and then a fall outreach program with Jackson Public Schools JROTC program. They are partnering with EPSCoR to provide the in-school outreach activities. Scientists from Jackson State…

January 9, 2012

Poster wins award at 2011 COSMOL Conference

The poster ” Simulation of Dendritic Solidification in Cubic and HCP Crystals by Cellular Automaton and Phase-Field Models” by Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Hebi Yin, and Sergio Felicelli, won the Best Poster Award at the 2011 COSMOL Conference held in Boston, MA, October 13-15, 2011. Link to the conference blog announcing the win: Presentation Abstract

November 18, 2011

ME paper selected at Metal Casting Congress

The paper “Reliability Evaluation of Four Casting Processes for Magnesium Alloy AZ91” by Liang Wang, Ratessiea (Tessa) Lett, Sergio D. Felicelli , and John T. Berry, was selected as one of the Best Five Papers of the 115Th MetalCasting Congress, held in Schaumburg, Illinois, April 5-8, 2011. The article was also featured in the May…

October 31, 2011