NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 36

Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering

FACULTY POSITION IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position. It is anticipated that the initial appointments will be made at the rank of Assistant Professor, although a higher rank may be considered for candidates with exceptional background and experience. Mechanical Design Applicants should…

September 6, 2012

ME Student earns undergraduate research symposium award

Sophomore mechanical engineering major Manish R. Borse was one of the nine MSU student recipients of the spring semester undergraduate research symposium award. Sponsored by the university’s Shackouls Honors College, the competition provides high-achieving scholars with the opportunity to publicly present their independent research projects. For the full press release from MSU please go to…

May 29, 2012

MSU named Year One Winner at the EcoCAR 2012 Competition

EcoCAR 2: Plugging In To the Future named Mississippi State University its Year One winner at the EcoCAR 2012 Competition in Los Angeles. The results were announced during a ceremony in Los Angeles, Calif., following six days of judged competitions. In addition to the overall first place finish, the team brings home $13,000 in prize…

May 29, 2012

MSU SAE participates in the Formula SAE Competition

The Formula SAE team of Mechanical Engineering participated in the annual Formula SAE competition which was held in Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Michigan on May 9-12, 2012. The ME team placed 34th overall out of 105 finishing teams, beating several prestigious schools including Cornell, Virginia Tech, Michigan State, and Carnegie Mellon University.

May 22, 2012

Coleman receives the BCoE Support Staff Award

Tammy Coleman, administrative assistant in mechanical engineering since August 2007, was one of the recipients of the 2012 Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE) support staff award winner. She was honored at the BCoE faculty and staff annual appreciation picnic on May 8, 2012

May 17, 2012

ME student receives “Spirit of State” honor

Palara Grant, a senior in mechanical engineering, is one of the BCoE recipients of the 2012 Spirit of State award. The Spirit of State Awards formally honor those who have made a positive impact on peers and the broader campus community through organizational involvements, services to the institution and personal actions promoting school spirit and…

May 3, 2012

ME Student featured in “Our People”

Austin Richey, a mechanical engineering freshman from New Albany is featured in “Our People” on the MSU webpage. To read the story:

April 16, 2012

ME student earned recognition at ASEE 2012 student competition

Manish Borse, a sophomore in mechanical engineering and Paromita Mitra, a junior in aerospace engineering, placed third in the junior/senior division team design competition at the ASEE 2012 Southeastern Section Conference. Their work was done in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS). Please see the poster by P. Mitra and S. Bhushan:…

April 16, 2012

ME faculty get votes, get dunked for fundraiser

MSU’s Mechanical Engineering Department is currently holding its Relay for Life fundraiser with “voting” buckets for several of the department’s faculty and staff. If you are interested in voting(donating) for one of the people listed below, or would like to give a general donation, the appropriately named buckets are located in the main office of…

April 11, 2012

Student named Outstanding Undergraduate Woman

Palara C. Grant has been selected as the Mississippi State University 2012 Outstanding Undergraduate Woman. She was honored at a reception on Tuesday, April 3, at the Memorial Hall’s Coskrey Auditorium. Palara C. Grant is a senior Mechanical Engineering major from Clinton, MS.  During her time at MSU, she has been active in such organizations…

April 4, 2012