NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 35

El Kadiri awarded NSF grant

Dr. Haitham El Kadiri has been awarded an NSF grant in support of the Federal Materials Genome Initiative. The NSF has announced the first projects to receive funding awards under a new “materials by design” initiative. Dr. El Kadiri is partnered with the University of Virginia and Georgia Tech to research Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization…

December 8, 2012

Horstemeyer named SAE Fellow

Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, professor of Mechanical Engineering and CAVS Chair in Solid Mechanics, has been elected Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). SAE bestows Fellow status on members “who have made a significant impact on society’s mobility technology through leadership, research, and innovation.” According to the SAE website, the grade of Fellow, established…

November 20, 2012

Bammann named Fellow of the Society of Engineering Science

Dr. Douglas Bammann was recently elected to the status of Fellow of the Society of Engineering Science. He will be honored during the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Society at Brown University next year.

November 9, 2012

ME student receives 1st place award for poster presentation

Manish Borse, a sophomore in mechanical engineering, received the 1st place award for his poster presentation “Development of a Graphical User Interface for Wall-Bounded and Free-Shear Turbulent Flows,” at Louisiana State University (LS) Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) “Excite/Explore/Experiment” held on October 26, 2012 in Baton Rouge, LA. More information about the conference and the winners…

November 8, 2012

ME Researchers helped the Tupelo Automotive Museum reduced energy and cost of operation

The Tupelo Automobile Museum operates in downtown Tupelo, MS, and houses more than 100 antique/classic car displays in its 120,000 square foot facility. The museum’s executive director, Ms. Jane Spain, was investigating several energy efficiency projects to reduce the energy consumption and cost of operation of the museum. Researchers from the Mechanical Engineering Department conducted…

October 18, 2012

Myers received national ‘role model’ award

Dr. Oliver J. Myers, assistant professor in mechanical engineering, received a special “role model” honor from Minority Access, Inc. at the 2012 National Role Models Conference held in Orlando, Florida on September 28-30, 2012. According to the website ,Minority Access, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization that assists individuals, academic institutions, federal, state, and…

October 16, 2012

Thompson selected to receive the OGS Assistantship Award

Scott M. Thompson, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was one of the seven professors selected to receive the Office of the Graduate School (OGS) Assistantship award.  These awards are funded by the MSU Office of the Graduate School and are intended to increase competitivenes in attracting the highest quality graduate students and serve specific needs of…

October 10, 2012

Daniewicz to Organize ASTM Student Presentation Competition

As part of the ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture meetings in Atlanta November 12 through November 15, Dr. Daniewicz will be organizing a Student Presentation Competition. Graduate students from throughout the country will make powerpoint presentations regarding their research in competition for a $100 cash prize. If you are a graduate student working…

October 3, 2012

Luck appointed as Associate Head of ME

Dr. Rogelio Luck, ME Professor, has been appointed Associate Head for the Department of Mechanical Engineering , starting September 15th , 2012. Rogelio Luck received the B.S. degree from Texas Tech University in 1984, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Penn State University in 1987 and 1989, respectively.  In 1989 he joined the faculty…

September 25, 2012

Department welcomes new faculty

The department of Mechanical Engineering welcomes Dr. Scott Thompson, a University of Missouri graduate, as an assistant professor, and Ms. Alta Knizley, a ME PhD candidate, as a new instructor in the department. Scott M. Thompson is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University (MSU). He joined the…

September 18, 2012