NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 32

Dr. Schneider receives a TMS travel award

Dr. Judy Schneider has been awarded a TMS (The Mineral, metals, and materials society) travel award to attend their first TMS Summit on Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions (DMMM1) to be held July 29–31, 2014 in Washington DC.  Congrats, Dr. Schneider!

July 21, 2014

ME Ph.D. student was awarded the NASA/MSSGC Fellowship

Congratulations to Kyle Johnson who was awarded the NASA/Mississippi Space Grant Consortium (MSSGC) Fellowship.  Kyle is a mechanical engineering Ph.D. student working with Dr. Mark Horstemeyer on the multi-objective design optimization of a football helmet.  

July 18, 2014

Mago to serve as head of mechanical engineering department

STARKVILLE, Miss. – After more than a decade at Mississippi State, an endowed professor will take the helm of the Bagley College of Engineering’s largest department. Pedro Mago, the Tennessee Valley Authority professor of mechanical engineering, begins his term as head of the department July 1. “Dr. Mago has been highly successful during his career…

June 30, 2014

Dr. Scott Thompson received funding from NSF

Dr. Scott Thompson, an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, in collaboration with Dr. Keisha Walters, an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, has received $350,000 over three years from the National Science Foundation to investigate: “Electricity Generation and Enhanced Heat Transfer via Pulsating Ferro-Nanofluid”.   The award is funded from the Thermal Transport Processes program which is part of…

June 10, 2014

Four ME incoming freshman were selected to receive the first Toyota-Haley Barbour Scholarships

Matthew Murphy, Jose Contreras, Elizabeth Whitehurst, and Madelyn Davis were selected to receive the first Toyota-Haley Barbour Scholarships.   Congratulations to all of them. For more information visit:    

June 5, 2014

Two ME Ph.D. students were awarded the NASA/MSSGC Fellowship

Congratulations to Emily Ledbury and Thomas McIntyre who were awarded the NASA/Mississippi Space Grant Consortium (MSSGC) Fellowship.  Emily is a Ph.D. student working with Dr. Mago on the area of renewable energy and Thomas is a Ph.D. Student working with Dr. Stone on modeling powder metallurgy consolidation processes.

June 5, 2014

ME Graduate Students won the BCoE publication student award in Spring 2014.

Congratulations to Christopher Barrett (Advisor: Dr. El Kadiri), Kyle Johnson (right) (Advisor: Dr. Horstemeyer), and  Joseph Carpenter (left) (Advisor: Dr. Mago) who won the BCoE publication student award in Spring 2014.

May 16, 2014

ME Undergraduate Students received awards at the Bagley Undergraduate Research Poster Competition

Congratulations to James Tobermann, Jonathan Pegues, and Lawrence Levert , ME undergraduate students, who won awards at the first Bagley Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. James Tobermann, Distinguished (Certificate + $300); Poster title: Optimization of a Dual-CHP System Based on Monthly Power-to-Heat Ratio; Advisors: Dr. Alta Knizley and Pedro Mago. Jonathan Pegues, Meritorious (Certificate + $200);…

May 2, 2014

PhD student Christopher Barrett received the 2014 BCoE Graduate Student Research Award

Congratulations to Christopher D. Barrett, who has been selected to receive the 2014 Graduate Student Research Award by the Bagley College of Engineering.  He was recognized at the annual Research Award Banquet on May 1, 2014.  He has also won the publication graduate student award in 2013.  Christopher D. Barrett is working under Dr. Haitham…

May 2, 2014

PhD student Mahmood Mamivand was recognized as the BCoE most distinguished graduate scholar of 2013

Congratulations to Mahmood Mamivand who was recognized as the BC0E most distinguished graduate scholar of 2013.  He is working under Dr. Haitham El Kadiri on phase field simulations of phase transformation occurring in vital nuclear materials.

May 2, 2014