NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 30

Faculty position in the Thermal-Fluid Sciences

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Thermal-Fluid Sciences. The applicant’s research should complement the related research expertise in the Department, which includes combustion engines, computational fluid dynamics, energy systems design, and thermal management. It is anticipated that the initial appointments will be made…

November 18, 2014

Faculty Search in Mechanical Engineering

Thermal-Fluid Sciences Computational modeling for integrated thermal, fluid, and structural processes

November 15, 2014

ME students and faculty win award at the 2014 DARPA RevCon competition

Mississippi State’s team was awarded the “Most Multidisciplinary Design” Award for the 2014 International Field-Reversible Thermal Connector (RevCon) Challenge sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  Seven universities were there, including: Donghua University; National Tsing Hua University; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Maryland; University of Missouri, and the Georgia Institute of…

November 13, 2014

Freshmen Students Presenting Service-Learning Projects on November 19th

This fall’s freshmen ME 1111 class has been active in several projects within our community that help promote project management, teamwork, innovation, problem-solving, and communication skill-sets, among other things.  Most of this year’s projects have several groups of students submitting competitive proposals for creative design within budgetary and safety constraints.  The ME 1111 student groups are…

November 10, 2014

The MSU Mechanical Engineering Ladies Organization (MELO) is Promoting Female Success in ME

The ME department is proud to present the Mechanical Engineering Ladies Organization. MELO has been recently formed and organized following the initiative of a group of female faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, with the enthusiastic support from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University. MELO seeks to help retain women in ME,…

November 4, 2014

Congratulations to Rob Hunter who was named 2014 MSU Alumni Fellow

Robert D. “Rob” Hunter received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1973.  After that he earned a doctor of law degree from Cornell University. He is now a senior vice president, general counsel and secretary for Altec Inc., a global provider of products and services for the electric utility, telecommunications and contracting industries. Hunter…

October 29, 2014

ME freshman student participated in the Greenpower Race held in the UK

Matthew Tidwell, a Mechanical Engineering freshman, is a member of Team USA, an electric race car team from the Huntsville Center for Technology (HTC) in Huntsville, AL. He has been a part of this team since his junior year in high school. He helped design and build the car and competed in the Greenpower Race…

October 28, 2014

ME students to compete in final round of DARPA RevCon Challenge

A team of Mechanical Engineering students advised by Dr. Scott Thompson has qualified as one of seven teams to compete in the final round of the 2014 International Field-Reversible Thermal Connector (RevCon) Challenge sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The team will travel to the University of Missouri in October to demonstrate…

October 2, 2014

ME Student featured in “Our People”

Jacquelyn Schodlbauer, a mechanical engineering junior from Mobile, AL, is featured in “Our People” on the MSU webpage. Click here to read the story

September 24, 2014

Dr. Horstemeyer featured on this month’s Infinite Impact video from the BCoE

Congratulations to Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, whose research on helmet construction and safety was featured on this month’s Infinite Impact video from the Bagley College of Engineering.  Dr. Horstemeyer is working to redesign football helmets that better disseminate impact pulses in order to reduce concussions and the resulting brain damage that can occur from multiple concussions….

September 24, 2014