NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 22

Luck selected to receive the 2015 BCoE Career Award

Congratulations to Dr. Rogelio Luck who was selected to receive the 2015 Career Award from the Bagley College of Engineering.  A well-deserved award in recognition of all his contributions to the Mechanical Engineering department, the Bagley College of Engineering, and Mississippi State University.  The career award is presented each year to a faculty member, with more…

May 3, 2016

ME undergraduate student won award at undergraduate student research symposium

Congratulations to Tom Zhang, mechanical engineering junior, who won second place in Visual Displays in the Physical Science and Engineering Division of the Undergraduate Research Symposium at the University’s Judy and Bobby Shackouls Honors College. For more information about the Undergraduate Research Symposium click here

May 3, 2016

ME graduate students won awards at graduate student research symposium

Piyush Porwall, Amanda Sterling, and Matthew Wong 
won awards at the Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium at MSU. Piyush Porwal: First Place in the Physics, Math, Engineering Oral Presentation Division: “Novel Tesla-Type Heat Exchangers for Microfluidic Applications.” Amanda J. Sterling: Second Place in the Physics, Math, Engineering Poster Presentation Division:  “Repairing Valuable Parts Using Laser-Based…

April 11, 2016

ME graduate student selected to receive an award from SAE International

Mohammad “M.J.” Mahtabi, ME Ph.D. student, was selected to receive the SAE Henry O. Fuchs Student Award.  The purpose of this award is to promote the education of engineering students in the area of fatigue technology.  This award is presented to a college student that is working in the field of fatigue research and applications.  MJ….

April 8, 2016

ME graduate student received the ORED BCoE graduate student research award

Congratulations to Aref Yadollahi, ME PhD student,  who was selected to receive the ORED BCoE Graduate Student Research Award.  Aref is working with Dr. Nima Shamsaei on additive manufacturing, fatigue, material characterization, and damage mechanics research.  During his two years as graduate student, he has published 7 journals and 3 conference papers.  He has also contributed…

April 7, 2016

ME graduate student received the 2016 MSU President’s Commission on the Status of Minorities Award

Congratulations to Jamel Alexander, ME Ph.D. student, who received the 2016 MSU President’s Commission on the Status of Minorities Award. Jamal helped the ME department to establish the  Mechanical Engineering Minority Organization (MEMO).  In addition, he also launched an ACT prep program in Artesia for underrepresented minority students interested in attending higher education. More information about the award…

April 7, 2016

ME Ph.D. student received top honor at NSBE National Convention

Jamel Alexander, a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering, has been named the 2016 National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Mike Shinn Distinguished Member of the Year (Male).  The award was presented at the 19th Annual Golden Torch Awards ceremony at the 42nd Annual Convention in Boston, MA. The Mike Shinn Distinguished Member of the Year…

March 30, 2016

ME Seniors selected to receive scholarships from the Mississippi Engineering Society

Mechanical Engineering seniors Jeri Grantham and Jonathan Dowell were selected to receive scholarship awards from the Mississippi Engineering Society (MES). Congratulations to both of them! For more information click here

March 30, 2016

ME faculty named ASEE Outstanding New Teacher

STARKVILLE, Miss. — A Bagley College of Engineering faculty member has gained recognition for her teaching efforts by a national organization. ME instructor Alta Knizley has been named the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section’s Outstanding New Teacher, and was presented with the award at the ASEE-SE conference in March. Knizley, who is in…

March 23, 2016

ASHRAE supports undergraduate student research project

Four undergraduate students, seniors Kyle Dierolf and Jonathan Dowell and sophomores Brandon Bogle and Avery Schemmel, are working with Dr. Cho and Dr. Knizley this semester on the research project “Smart Building Wireless Sensor Network.”  This research project is taking place with the direction and leadership of graduate students Sam Cox and Dongsu Kim.  A…

March 3, 2016