NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 17

ME department kickoffs the “Impact of Engineering Week”

The ME department kickoffs this week, April 9 – April 13, the “Impact of Engineering Week” in order to promote awareness and an understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. During this week all ME undergraduate classes will highlight the role and effect of engineering solutions on…

April 10, 2018

Karen Fili named 2018 BCoE Distinguished Fellow

Congratulations to Karen Fili who was named 2018 Bagley College of Engineering Distinguished Fellow. Karen Fili received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1985.  She has more than 30 years of experience in the field of nuclear engineering. Most recently, she served as the site vice president of operational readiness at Southern Company’s Vogtle…

April 3, 2018

ME faculty recognized for outstanding teaching, research, and service achievements

ME faculty members were recognized for their outstanding achievements in teaching, research, and service during the ME Advisory Board meeting on March 23rd.  The awards included: Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, Senior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, and Outstanding Faculty Service Award.  These faculty awards were established by the ME department to…

March 28, 2018

ME student selected as the National Co-op Student of the Year by the CEED Division of the ASEE

Christopher Gomes was selected as the National Co-op Student of the Year by the Cooperative Education and Experiential Division of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). Christopher is a Senior in the Mechanical Engineering Department from Madison, Alabama. He  competed three co-op rotations with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center where he worked in several…

March 14, 2018

Chen selected to receive the ASEE-SE Section New Faculty Researcher Award

A mechanical engineering faculty member has gained recognition for his research efforts by a national organization. ME assistant professor Lei Chen has been selected to receive the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section’s New Faculty Researcher Award, and was presented with the award at the ASEE-SE conference in March in Daytona Beach, FL. Chen…

March 7, 2018

Marcum named as recipient of Exxon Mobil Endowed Professorship

Dave Marcum, professor of mechanical engineering, has been named as the recipient of the Exxon Mobil Endowed Professorship. Since joining Mississippi State University in 1991, Dr. Marcum has served in a variety of director positions within the university’s research sector, leading MSU’s NSF Engineering Research Center and the Computational Simulation and Design Center. He is…

March 7, 2018

ME student Jacob Easley profiled in Our People

February 20, 2018

ME department moves up in National Science Foundation research rankings

In a recently released report, the National Science Foundation ranked our Mechanical Engineering department 23rd in research expenditures among all Mechanical Engineering Departments in the U.S. The total research and development activity of the ME department for Fiscal Year 2016 was $12.2MM. The ME department was ranked 24th last year and 27th the year before that.

February 20, 2018

Bhushan received funding from NASA EPSCoR

Shanti Bushan, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has received funding from NASA EPSCoR to study the “High Fidelity Loci-CHEM Simulations for Acoustic Wave Propagation and Vibration.”  Bhushan’s team include Edward Luke from Computer Science and Engineering, Manav Bhatia from Aerospace Engineering, and Xiao Wang and Eric Collins from CAVS. Congratulations to Shanti Bhushan and…

October 16, 2017

Marcum honored as 2017 IMR Fellow

David Marcum, a professor of mechanical engineering, has been recognized with the 2017 International Meshing Roundtable (IMR) Fellow Award for all his work in the field of mesh generation.   He is also an Inria International Chair and the chief scientist of computational fluid dynamics at the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) at MSU. The…

October 12, 2017