NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 16

Dr. Heejin Cho promoted to Associate Professor

Congratulations to Dr. Heejin Cho, who was promoted to Associate Professor, effective Fall 2018. Dr. Cho’s research is primarily focused on the field of energy and the environment, specifically designing and optimizing energy and environmental systems for building and nuclear applications. Collaborating with researchers at MSU and other organizations, He has secured about $14.9M in energy…

August 8, 2018

Excellent story featuring 1996 ME Alumna, Carman Mullins, in the MSU’s Alumnus Magazine

July 26, 2018

Strzelec selected to receive a SEC visiting faculty travel grant

Congratulations to Dr. Andrea Strzelec who was selected to receive a Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel Grant. Dr. Strzelec’s proposal was one of ten proposals funded for this academic year from all colleges on our campus. Dr. Strzelec will be visiting the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering at Auburn University to establish a collaborative…

July 24, 2018

ME Ph.D. student selected as a recipient of the 2018 SAE Excellence in Oral Presentation Award

Congratulations to Yangqing (Suby) Dou, ME Ph.D. student, who has been selected as a recipient of the 2018 SAE Excellence in Oral Presentation Award for her presentation during the WCX 2018 SAE World Congress Experience held in Detroit.   The title of her presentation was “A Multiscale Study of Single Crystal Copper Plate with Octal Orientation…

June 12, 2018

ME Ph.D. student received an award at the 2018 Spring Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute

Saeid Zare, ME Ph.D. student, received the Central States Section Combustion Art Competition Award at the 2018 Spring Technical Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was recognized during the banquet on May 21.  All submissions were evaluated based on their artistic merit and/or technical merit. Eligible entries included: images (photographs or computer-generated), paintings, drawings, sketches, sculpture,…

May 30, 2018

Askari selected as Teacher of the Year by the NSBE chapter at Mississippi State

Congratulations to Dr. Omid Askari who has been selected as Teacher of the Year by the Mississippi State’s National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education (IMAGE). Dr. Askari is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Institute at Mississippi State University (MSU). Dr. Askari received his Ph.D. degree…

May 4, 2018

ME faculty recognized at the MSU’s annual research awards banquet

Congratulations to Dr. Tonya Stone and Dr. Yucheng Liu who were recognized at the MSU’s Annual Research Awards Banquet as Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Research Program Mentors for Fall 2017/Spring 2018. In addition, Dr. Yucheng Liu was recognized with the faculty research award for the Bagley College of Engineering. More information about the…

April 19, 2018

ME Master’s distance program ranked among top 10 for educational value

Our Master’s in Mechanical Engineering is ranked No. 6 in the 2018 Best Online Colleges for Value rankings recently released by the SR Education Group. SR Education Group, an education research publisher founded in 2004, analyzed accredited online schools across the nation, taking into consideration academic strength factors along with manually researched tuition rates in…

April 16, 2018

ME faculty and staff received awards from BCoE

Congratulations to mechanical engineering Profs. Alta Knizley, Mark Horstemeyer, and Yucheng Liu and our business manager Dianne Phillips for winning four of the eight 2018 Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE) Awards!!

April 13, 2018

ME senior inducted into the BCoE Student Hall of Fame

Brandon Bogle, a mechanical engineering senior, was inducted into the Bagley College of Engineeirng Student Hall of Fame. Brandon has been a Presidential and Dean Scholar for three straight years and served as president of Theta Tau professional engineering fraternity in 2017. He’s also served as a research intern at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory….

April 10, 2018