NEWS - Mechanical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 14

ME senior earns recognition from statewide organization

Congratulations to mechanical engineering senior, Zachary Corey, who has been awarded a Mississippi Engineering Society (MES) Scholarship. This program is designed to provide financial assistance to advanced engineering students who are pursuing an engineering degree from an accredited engineering program from a Mississippi Institution of Higher Learning. Students selected to receive the scholarships were honored…

March 19, 2019

Mechanical Engineering receives gift from GTI

March 18, 2019

ME Undergraduate Student presented a paper at NETS 2019

Jacob Easley, a mechanical engineering junior, presented a paper at the 2019 Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS) held in Richland, WA from February 25-28, 2019. The paper was entitled “Considerations for Closed-Loop Brayton Power Cycle for Nuclear Thermal Rocket with Decay Heat.” Jacob had the opportunity to do research on nuclear thermal propulsion…

March 7, 2019

ME students helping Madison child as part of the Senior Design Course

February 8, 2019

ME Ph.D. student received the ORED BCoE graduate student research award

Congratulations to Ge He, ME Ph.D. student,  who was selected to receive the 2019 ORED BCoE Graduate Student Research Award.  Ge enrolled in our Ph.D. program in January of 2016, and since then he has been working with Dr. Yucheng Liu to investigate the high strain rate performance of fiber reinforced composite materials and develop…

February 1, 2019

ME alumnus named program coordinator of downtown MSU Idea Shop

January 31, 2019

Dr. Andrea Strzelec featured in “State Spotlight”

January 28, 2019

ME Department in the top 25 of the NSF R&D Expenditures Ranking

In a recently released report, the National Science Foundation ranked our Mechanical Engineering department 25th in research expenditures among 277 Mechanical Engineering Departments in the U.S. The total research and development activity of the ME department for fiscal year 2017 was $13.44MM.  The ME department has been ranked in the top 25 for three consecutive years.

December 4, 2018

ME Ph.D. student was named the Grand Champion Runner-Up at MSU’s 3MT competition

Tate Fonville, a mechanical engineering doctoral student, is this year’s Grand Champion Runner-Up.  His presentation, “A Modular Framework for Robust Helmets,” earned him a $750 prize. Tate, who also holds an MSU bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, has been working on helmet research for nearly two years. Great job Tate!! Peter Ryan (far left), associate…

November 20, 2018

Convergent Science donated $135,000 worth of software to mechanical engineering

Convergent Science a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) company has donated software licenses, worth $135,000, to the Mechanical Engineering Department at Mississippi State University.  The software will be used by Dr. Andrea Strzelec and her students in the Combustion & Reaction Characterization Laboratory.  The CONVERGE code is revolutionary in that it eliminates the time intensive grid generation process…

October 17, 2018