Dan Costley

Dan Costley

Adjunct Professor

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Research Mechanical Engineer


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993
M.S., Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas at Austin, 1985
B.S., Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, 1977

Experience Record

  • Research Mechanical Engineer, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 2010-Present
  • Senior Research Engineer, Miltec Corporation, 1999-2010
  • Research Engineer, Mississippi State University, 1994-1999
  • Mathematics Instructor, Valencia Community College, 1994
  • Research Physicist, Naval Research Laboratory, 1993-1994
  • Research Assistant, School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989-1993
  • Member Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, 1985-1989
  • Research Assistant, Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at Austin, 1982-1985


Recent Journal Papers

  • R. Daniel Costley, Gustavo Galan-Comas, Clay K. Kirkendall, Janet E. Simms, Kent K. Hathaway, Michael W. Parker, Stephen A. Ketcham, Eric W. Smith, William R. Folks, Troy W. Milburn, and Heidi M. Wadman, “Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves with Fiber Optic Seismic Sensors,” Accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Dec 2017.
  • M.S. Ballard, R.D. Costley, J.D. Sagers, K.L. Lee, A.R. McNeese, K.K. Hathaway, P.S. Wilson, and E.W. Smith, “A comparison between directly measured and inferred wave speeds from an acoustic propagation experiment in Currituck Sound,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(1), 237-247, Jan 2018.
  • K.L. Lee, M.S. Ballard, A.R. McNeese, T.G. Muir, P.S. Wilson, R.D. Costley, and K.K. Hathaway, “In situ measurements of sediment acoustic properties in Currituck Sound and comparison to models,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140(5), Nov 2016.
  • R.D. Costley, H. Diaz-Alvarez, M.H. McKenna, and A.M. Jordan, “Vibration and Acoustic Analysis of Trussed Railroad Bridge under Moving Loads,” in ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, (June 2015).
  • Muir, T.G., Costley, R.D., and Sabatier, J.M., “Comparison of acoustic and seismic excitation, propagation, and scattering at an air-ground interface containing a mine-like inclusion,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1), 49-57, (Jan 2014).
  • R. Daniel Costley, Wm. Garth Frazier, Kevin Dillion, Jennifer R. Picucci, Jay E. Williams, and Mihan H. McKenna, “Wavenumber-frequency processing for DOA Estimation of Infrasound Using a Distributed Array,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters 134(4), Oct 2013.
  • R.D. Costley, Mark Henderson, Hitesh Patel, E.W. Jones, Gary M. Boudreaux, and M.J. Plodinec, “The Measurement of Pressure and Level in Sealed Storage Drums,” NDT&E International 40, 300-308 (2007).
  • V. Valeau, J.M. Sabatier, R.D. Costley, N. Xiang, “Time-Frequency Analysis for Acoustic Detection of Buried Objects,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116(5), 2984-1995 (2005).

Recent Conference Proceedings

  • Costley, R.D., Hathaway, K.K., Picucci, J.R., Smith, E.W., Forte, M.F., Aubin, N.T., Ainsleigh, P.L., and De Jesus Diaz, L., “Detection of Motorized Watercraft in Shallow Water with Fiber Optic Seismic Sensors,” Proceedings of the 2017 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2017, Springfield, VA. (70%)
  • McComas, S., Simpson, C., Diaz-Alvarez, H., McKenna, M., Costley, R.D., Hayward, C., Golden, P., and Endress, A., “Infrasound Monitoring in Non-Traditional Environments,” Proceedings of the 2017 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2017, Springfield, VA. (10%)
  • Martin, K., Costley, R., Galan-Comas, G., Lester, A., Simpson, E., Price, C., Picucci, J., and Martin, S., “Passive Seismic Monitoring of HDD, A First Look,” Proceedings of the 2017 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2017, Springfield, VA. (30%)
  • Galan-Comas, G., Martin, K., Costley, R., Lester, A., Puli, J., Zettergren, E., Simpson, E., and Picucci, J., “Sensor Evaluation for Passive Seismic Tunnel Detection Systems,” Proceedings of the 2017 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2017, Springfield, VA. (20%)
  • Galan-Comas, G., Lester, A., Martin, K., Costley, R., Simpson, E., Ables, J., Picucci, J., and Martin, S., “Sensor Evaluation for Passive Seismic Tunnel Detection,” Proceedings of the 2016 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 20-24 June 2016, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Galan-Comas, G., and Costley, “Active Seismic Surveying with Fiber Optic Seismic Sensors for Determining Subsurface Anomalies,” Proceedings of the 2016 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 20-24 June 2016, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Costley, R., Galan-Comas, Kirkendall, C., Ketcham, S., Parker, M., Folks, W., Hathaway, K., and Smith, E., “On the Repeatability and Coherence of Fiber Sensors,” Proceedings of the 2016 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 20-24 June 2016, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • De Jesus Diaz, L.A., Costley, R.D., McComas, S.L., Simpson, C.P., Johnson, J.W., McKenna, M.H., and Hayward, C., “Multi-Objective Source Scaling Experiment” Proceedings of the 2016 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 20-24 June 2016, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Ketcham, S.A., Costley, R.D., Parker, M.W., and Darling, R.S., “Linear Seismic Sensing: Modeling of Field Experiment,” Proceedings of the 2014 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 28-31 October 2014, Springfield VA.
  • Costley, R.D., Frazier, W.G., and Dillion, K., Picucci, J., Williams, J.E., and McKenna, M.H., "Frequency-Wave Number (F-K) Processing for Direction of Travel Estimation of Infrasound,” Proceedings of the 2012 Military Sensing Symposium Specialty Group on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures (BAMS), 22-26 October 2012, Washington, DC.
  • Costley, R.D., Diaz-Alvarez, H., and McKenna, H.M., Vibrational and Acoustical Analysis of Trussed Railroad Bridge Under Moving Loads, Proceedings of the Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD meeting, New York, Aug 19-22, 2012.