Soot particle morphology by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
High-speed optical diagnostics and 3D tomographic reconstruction of turbulent spray flame
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of for internal/external fuel flow
Honors and Awards
2017 Travel fellowship award, Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
2017 Best poster presentation award, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ISEES)
2017 Best PhD thesis award, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ISEES)
2016 Best research paper award, The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE)
2013 University student scholarship, The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE)
2011 The grand prize, Halla Visteon idea contest on creative automotive system, Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp.
2010 Best research paper award, aerospace research paper open exhibition, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)
Book Chapters
J Hwang, W Kim, C Bae, Improvement of flame kernel growth by microwave-assisted plasma ignition, p129-142, Simulations and optical diagnostics for internal combustion engines, Springer, 2019.
J Hwang, FS Hirner, C Bae, C Patel, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Image-based flame temperature and soot analysis of biofuel spray combustion, p41-54, Engine Exhaust Particulates, Springer, 2019.
C Patel, J Hwang, AK Agarwal, C Bae, Characterization of biodiesel sprays, p203-219, Two-phase flow for automotive and power generation sectors, Springer, 2019.
J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Biodiesel soot characteristics, p45-55, Air Pollution and Control, Springer, 2018.
M Arienti, J Hwang, LM Pickett, Y Shekhawat, A thermally-limited bubble growth model for the relaxation time of superheated fuels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 159, 120089, 2020.
J Hwang, L Weiss, IK Karathanassis, P Koukouvinis, LM Pickett, SA Skeen, Spatio-temporal identification of plume dynamics by 3D computed tomography using engine combustion network spray G injector and various fuels, Fuel 280, 118359, 2020.
L Weiss, M Wensing, J Hwang, LM Pickett, SA Skeen, Development of limited-view tomography for measurement of Spray G plume direction and liquid volume fraction, Experiments in Fluids 61, 51, 2020.
C Patel, J Hwang, C Bae, RA Agarwal, AK Agarwal, Microscopic spray characteristics of biodiesels derived from Karanja, Jatropha, and waste cooking oils, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (12),124501,2020.
J Hwang, FS Hirner, C Bae, C Patel, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, HRTEM evaluation of primary soot particles originated in a small-bore biofuel compression-ignition engine, Applied Thermal Engineering 159, 113899, 2019.
FS Firner, J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Performance and emission evaluation of a small-bore biodiesel compression-ignition engine, Energy 183, 971-982, 2019.
C Patel, K Chandra, J Hwang, RA Agarwal, N Gupta, C Bae, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Comparative compression ignition engine performance, combustion, and emission characteristics, and trace metals in particulates from Waste cooking oil, Jatropha and Karanja oil derived biodiesels, Fuel 236, 1366-1376, 2019.
FS Hirner, J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Nanostructure characterization of soot particles from biodiesel and diesel spray flame in a constant volume combustion chamber, Fuel 235, 130-149, 2019.
C Patel, J Hwang, K Chandra, RA Agarwal, C Bae, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, In-cylinder spray and combustion investigations in a heavy-duty optical engine fueled with waste cooking oil, Jatropha, and Karanja biodiesels, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (1), 012201,2019.
PM Pinazzi, J Hwang, D Kim, F Foucher, C Bae, Influence of injector spray angle and gasoline-diesel blending ratio on the low load operation in a gasoline compression ignition (GCI) engine, Fuel 222, 496-505, 2018.
J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, RA Agarwal, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, Investigations on air-fuel mixing and flame characteristics of biodiesel fuels for diesel engine application, Applied Energy 206, 1203-1213, 2017.
J Hwang, W Kim, C Bae, W Choe, J Cha, S Woo, Application of a novel microwave-assisted plasma ignition system in a direct injection gasoline engine, Applied Energy 205, 562-576, 2017.
J Hwang, Y Park, K Kim, J Lee, C Bae, Improvement of diesel combustion with multiple injections at cold condition in a constant volume combustion chamber, Fuel 197, 528-540, 2017.
J Hwang, C Bae, J Park, W Choe, J Cha, S Woo, Microwave-assisted plasma ignition in a constant volume combustion chamber, Combustion and Flame 167, 86-96, 2016.
J Hwang, C Bae, T Gupta, Application of waste cooking oil (WCO) biodiesel in a compression ignition engine, Fuel 176, 20-31, 2016.
Y Jung, J Hwang, C Bae, Assessment of particulate matter in exhaust gas for biodiesel and diesel under conventional and low temperature combustion in a compression ignition engine, Fuel 165, 413-424, 2016.
Y Park, J Hwang, C Bae, K Kim, J Lee, S Pyo, Effects of diesel fuel temperature on fuel flow and spray characteristics, Fuel 162, 1-7, 2015.
D Kim, J Hwang, S Han, C Bae, Effects of cylinder head temperature and coolant velocity on the erosion behavior of water jacket in a diesel engine, Wear 342, 117-128, 2015.
J Hwang, Y Park, C Bae, J Lee, S Pyo, Fuel temperature influence on spray and combustion characteristics in a constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) under simulated engine operating conditions, Fuel 160, 424-433, 2015.
J Hwang, Y Jung, C Bae, Spray and combustion of waste cooking oil biodiesel in a compression-ignition engine, International Journal of Engine Research 16 (5), 664-679, 2015.
J Hwang, Y Jung, C Bae, Comprehensive assessment of soot particles from waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel in a compression ignition engine, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 8 (2015-01-0809), 290-297, 2015.
J Hwang, D Qi, Y Jung, C Bae, Effect of injection parameters on the combustion and emission characteristics in a common-rail direct injection diesel engine fueled with waste cooking oil biodiesel, Renewable Energy 63, 9-17, 2014.
Conference Papers
J Hwang, K Yasutomi, M Arienti, LM Pickett, Numerical investigation of near nozzle flash-boiling spray in an axial-hole transparent nozzle, 2020-01-0828, SAE World Congress, Detroit, 21-23 April, USA 2020.
K Yasutomi, J Hwang, LM Pickett, B Sforzo, K Matusik, CF Powell, Transient internal nozzle flow in transparent multi-hole diesel injector, 2020-01-0830, SAE World Congress, Detroit, 21-23 April, USA 2020.
K Yasutomi, J Hwang, Julien Manin, LM Pickett, M Arienti, S Daly, SA Skeen, Diesel injector elasticity effects on internal nozzle flow, 2019-01-2279, SAE Powertrain, Fuels and Lubricants, Kyoto, Japan, 26-29 August, 2019.
PM Abers, E Cenker, K Yasutomi, J Hwang, LM Pickett, Effect of pressure cycling on gas exchange in a transparent fuel injector, 2019-01-2280, SAE Powertrain, Fuels and Lubricants, Kyoto, Japan, 26-29 August, 2019.
J Hwang, L Weiss, LM Pickett, SA Skeen, The influence of ambient conditions and fuel type on gasoline spray plume direction, ILASS-AMERICAS (Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems), Tempe, USA 12-15 May, 2019.
J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, AK Agarwal, T Gupta, Near nozzle flow and atomization characteristics of biodiesel fuels in a constant volume chamber, 2017-01-2327, SAE Powertrain, Fuels and Lubricants, Beijing, China, 16-19 October, 2017.
W Kim, J Hwang, C Bae, W Choe, J Cha, S Woo, Effects of microwave-assisted plasma ignition on flame initiation of premixed acetylene-air mixture, Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences(ACTS), Jeju, Republic of Korea, 26-30 March, 2017.
J Hwang, C Bae, J Park, W Choe, J Cha, S Woo, F Foucher, C Mounaim-Rousselle, Microwave-assisted plasma ignition system (MAPIS) for a spark ignition engine, FISITA, Busan, Republic of Korea, 26-30 September, 2016.
J Hwang, C Bae, C Patel, AK Agarwal, T Gupta, An experimental investigation on spray characteristics of waste cooking oil, jatropha, and karanja biodiesels in a constant volume combustion chamber, 2016-01-2263, SAE Powertrain, Fuels and Lubricants, Baltimore, USA, 24-26 October, 2016.
J Hwang, Y Park, K Kim, C Bae, Spray and combustion process under simulated cold start condition in a constant volume combustion chamber, ASPACC (Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion), Beijing, China, 19-22 July, 2015.
J Hwang, Y Jung, C Bae, Comprehensive assessment of soot particles from waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel in a compression ignition engine, 2015-01-0809, SAE World Congress, Detroit, 21-23 April, USA 2015.
J Hwang, Y Park, K Kim, C Bae, J Lee, S Pyo, Effect of diesel fuel temperature on injection quantity and macroscopic spray characteristics, ILASS-ASIA (Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems), Shanghai, China 26-29 October, 2014.
J Hwang, Y Jung, C Bae, Particulate morphology of waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel in a heavy-duty diesel engine, International Conference on Optical Particle Characterization, Tokyo, Japan, 10-14 March, 2014.
J Hwang, D Kim, S Han, C Bae, J Hong, S Shin, Effects of the surface temperature and the coolant velocity on the erosion behavior of water jacket in a diesel engine, ICMF 2013-377, ICMF (International Conference on Multiphase Flow), Jeju, Republic of Korea, 26-31 May, 2013.
J Hwang, D Qi, Y Jung, C Bae, Effect of injection parameters on the combustion and emission characteristics in a compression ignition engine fuelled with waste cooking oil biodiesel, 2013-01-2662, SAE Powertrain, Fuels and Lubricants, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 21-23 October, 2013.