January 20, 2016
STARKVILLE, Miss. – Bagley College is now represented on a national energy corporation’s public advisory council.
Pedro Mago, head of MSU’s Mechanical Engineering Department, has been appointed to serve a two-year term on Tennessee Valley Authority’s Regional Energy Resource Council (RERC).
“Dr. Pedro Mago has a background in solving energy-related research problems,” said Dean of Engineering Jason Keith. “We are proud of his appointment to the TVA RERC and the added visibility he will bring to Mississippi State University in this role.”
Beginning in January, Mago will join the twenty-member council in facilitating discussions between TVA and its consumers. The RERC council gathers information and advice from both public and private sectors to include public input in its deliberations.
“I’m really excited and honored to serve on this council,” Mago said. “I’m also excited to have the opportunity to discuss both energy efficiency and clean energy issues, which are very important to the research vision of Mississippi State University.”
Mago earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Universidad de Oriente in Venezuela, followed by both a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering form the University of Florida. In addition to ME department head and professor, Mago fills the position of MSU PACCAR chair and serves on the ASME Mechanical Engineering Department Head Executive Committee.
Located in Knoxville, Tennessee, the TVA provides electricity for business customers and local power distributors, serving 9 million people and extending to portions of seven southeastern states.
For more information on the TVA Regional Council and its members, visit https://www.tva.gov/About-TVA/Our-Public-Advisory-Councils/rerc.
The Bagley College of Engineering is online at www.bagley.msstate.edu.
By: Amanda Meeler