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Office: 218 Carpenter
P 662.325.2423
Mail: HPC2, Mississippi State University
PO Box 9627, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Unstructured Mesh Generation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods.
Links: CAVS CFD Modeling and Simulation Research, CAVS, HPC2, AM2NS: Advanced Meshing Methods for Numerical Simulations
MSU Total: PI or co-PI on 70 total grants & contracts with $21,925,408 total funding from AEDC, AFRL, AFOSR, ARO, ATA Engineering, BMI Corporation, Boeing, DIA MSIC, DoD HPCMO, Engility, ERDC, Ford, McDonnell Douglas, MIT, NASA ARC, NASA GRC, NASA LaRC, NASA MSFC, NASA SRC, Nissan Motor Company - Japan, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, NSF, ODU, ONR, Purdue University, Rocketdyne, and Sparta.
Active: 5 grants & contracts with $1,121,667 total funding from Boeing, DoD HPCMO, Engility, ERDC, MIT, NASA LaRC, NASA MSFC, and ODU.
Pending: 1 contract with $1,468,550 funding from AFRL and MIT.
124 total publications (67 refereed, 39 invited)
Book Chapters
Journal Papers
Keynote, Short-Course, and Invited Presentations
Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed)
Conference Papers